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发布时间:2023-08-08 16:57   来源:网络    作者:admin2

Recommended Boutique ---Tang Jiyao commemorative coin


Tang Jiyao (August 14, 1883 - May 23, 1927), also known as Rongchang, also known as the master of the East mainland, also known as Tang Huize, the word Ligeng, a scholar from Yunnan Huize, the late Qing Dynasty, the warlord leader, military strategist and politician of the Yunnan system during the Republic of China. Tang Jiyao enrolled in private school at the age of 6. At the age of 15, he took the first place. In 1904, he went to Japan to study. He joined the League in 1905. He graduated from the Japanese Army Academy in 1908. After returning to Yunnan, he was promoted to the new military administration. In October 1911, he participated in the Kunming uprising under the command of CAI E and served as the undersecretary of the military administration and staff of the Yunnan military Government. In 1912, he led the Yunnan Army to occupy Guiyang and became governor of Guizhou. In 1913, he participated in the suppression of the second Revolution and later became the governor of Yunnan. In 1917, he joined the Protection movement launched by Sun Yat-sen. The following year, he was involved in planning the reorganization of the military government. Later, the Yunnan Army was changed to Yasukuni Army, and he was commander-in-chief in an attempt to dominate the southwest. In 1921, he was expelled by the defecting Yunnan Army and fled to Hong Kong. The following year, he bought the army in Guangxi to fight back to Yunnan and regained power. In 1926, after the start of the Northern Expedition War, he colluded with Wu Peifu and Sun Chuanfang to organize the people's Party in order to oppose the Communist Party and appeal to the Communist Party. The following year, Longyun and others launched a coup d 'etat on June 26, forcing him to surrender the regime. In the same year, Tang Jiyao died of 



Recently, our company collected a Tang Jiyao coin, that is, "Tang Jiyao supports the Republic commemorative silver coin", referred to as Tang Tou or Tang Zheng. Tang Jiyao coins were produced and issued in Yunnan Province to commemorate the victory of anti-Yuan support for the Republic, and were one of the main circulating currencies in Yunnan Province during the Republic of China. According to the "Compilation of modern monetary History data of Yunnan" records that the Yunnan Mint had cast Tang Jiyao commemorative silver coins in August of the sixth year of the Republic of China by the order of the governor's office, but because the model was "not perfect", it was no longer manufactured, and after modifying the model, it made 200,000 yuan again on October 1, the seventh year of the Republic of China and was issued by the Fudian Bank. Tang Jiyao silver coins have two versions, side and front. Tang Jiyao commemorative coin is positive or side image of Tang Jiyao, inscribed "Military Council Fujun Tang", positive coin has Jiahe, side image coin does not. Because it is easier to pronounce Tang Junchang from left to right, this title has been handed down. Inside the bead circle of the front pattern of this coin is the portrait of Tang Jiyao in front uniform, with seven characters of "Tang, Chief of Fujun of the Military Council" and Jiahe flower decoration below. On the back of the bead circle two crossed double flags, one is a five-color republican flag, the other is a red black nine-color 18-star flag, is also the revolutionary army flag during the Revolution of 1911, also known as the iron and blood flag, the upper edge of the "support for the Republic memorial" six words, the lower edge of the "Kuping three money six cents" currency value, the upper and lower edges of the left and right columns of small star flowers for decoration among them, wrapped in natural, complete and exquisite.

唐继尧六岁入私塾,光绪二十四年(1898年)唐继尧十五岁的时候,应童子试,中秀才。 旧学很有基础,倜傥有大志。光绪三十年(1904年)考取官费留日生,得以留学日本。 就读东京振武学校,初拟学工科,后改军事,和赵恒惕孔庚阎锡山等人同期。次年8月,孙中山在日本组织了中国同盟会,唐继尧受资产阶级革命思潮影响,不久加入中国同盟会。并参与同盟会云南支部机关刊物《云南杂志》的组织工作。同时又秘密组织了陆军团、武学社。光绪三十二年(1906年),唐继尧以第一名的成绩从振武学校毕业,到金泽的日军第九师团炮兵联队见习,一年期满后又于光绪三十三年(1907年)进入日本士官学校第六期炮科学习。宣统元年(1909年)毕业后返国,遍游东北,凭吊日俄战场,又至北京,在保定秋操。唐继尧返云南任督练公所提调、云南讲武堂教官之后加入新军,在新军任职,从事革命活动。宣统三年(1911年),唐继尧任陆军第十九镇卅七协七十四标第一营管带(即营长)。11月与陈其美等筹划并领导上海起义。沪军都督府成立后,在吴淞设立军政分府,自称吴淞都督。

Tang Jiyao entered the private school at the age of six, in the twenty-four year of Guangxu (1898), Tang Jiyao was 15 years old when he was trying to become a scholar. Old school is very basic, handsome and ambitious. Guangxu thirty years (1904) examination of the government fee to stay in Japan, to study in Japan. Enrolled in Tokyo Zhenwu School, initially planned to study engineering, and later changed to military, and Zhao Hengti, Kong Geng, Yan Xishan and others at the same time. In August of the following year, Sun Yat-sen organized the Chinese Tongmeng Association in Japan, and Tang Jiyao, influenced by the trend of bourgeois revolution, soon joined the Chinese Tongmeng Association. And participated in the organization of Yunnan Magazine, the journal of the Yunnan branch of the Tongmeng Association. At the same time, they secretly organized army regiments and martial arts societies. In the 32nd year of Guangxu (1906), Tang Jiyao graduated from the Zhenwu School with the first result, and went to the Artillery Wing of the Japanese Ninth Division in Kanazawa as an intern. After a year, he entered the sixth artillery section of the Japanese Non-Commissioned Officer School in the 33th year of Guangxu (1907). After graduation in the first year of Xuantong (1909), he returned to China, toured the northeast, paid homage to the Japanese and Russian battlefield, and went to Beijing to observe the autumn exercises in Baoding. Tang Jiyao returned to Yunnan and served as an officer of the military Training Hall in Yunnan. After joining the New Army, he served in the New Army and engaged in revolutionary activities. Xuantong three years (1911), Tang Jiyao served as the Army 19th town 37th Association of the first battalion pipe belt (that is, battalion commander). In November, Chen Qimei and others planned and led the Shanghai uprising. After the establishment of the Hujun capital governor's office, the government set up a military division in Wusong, calling itself Wusong Governor.


In the first year of the Republic of China (1912), after the liberation of Yunnan, CAI E became the governor of Yunnan and sent troops to the north, Guizhou gentry Ren Kecheng, Liu Xianshi, Dai Kan, etc., appealed to CAI E to send Tang Jiyao to lead troops to aid Guizhou


and quell the Guizhou chaos. Tang Jiyao led the Yunnan Army to occupy Guiyang and was promoted to governor of Guizhou. In the autumn of the second year of the Republic of China (1913), Tang Jiyao succeeded CAI 'e as governor of Yunnan. In November, Tang Jiyao officially succeeded CAI 'e as governor of Yunnan and Chief of Yunnan Civil Affairs. At the end of that year, around the time that Tang Jiyao succeeded CAI E 'du in Yunnan, when Yuan Shikai, the provisional President, wiped out the second revolution of the Kuomintang by force and became the official president, Yuan Shikai's army then advanced to the southern provinces, and only the remaining provinces of Yun, GUI, GUI and Yue, Yuan Shikai won the Yue Governor Long Jiguang with titles and money, which constituted a check on Guangxi. There is a tendency to further clean up the wealth.


In February 1914, Yuan Shikai ordered the suspension of local autonomy and further divided the power of the military governor by civil affairs. Tang Jiyao, as a military governor, could only reluctantly recommend and accept Yuan Shikai's appointment of Ren Kecheng as a patrol officer in Yunnan to take charge of civil affairs. After Yuan Shikai revealed his ambition to become emperor, Tang Jiyao secretly prepared to rebel against Yuan in Yunnan. In February 1915, in the fourth year of the Republic of China, Tang Jiyao sent a secret message to the generals and patrol envoys of the six provinces of Guangdong, Hunan, Guangxi and Sichuan, clearly expressing his opposition to the "twenty-one articles" and suggesting that the southwest provinces "get ready for battle and prepare for trouble". "The internal adjustment of the provincial personnel", secretly sheltered and used once in Jiangxi to participate in the second revolution by Yuan Shikai hostile Ye Quan, Huang Yucheng, Zhao Fuxiang and others, called because of the opposition to Yuan Shikai declared emperor and idle at home Luo Peijin, Gu Pinzhen comeback, with "Liu Yunfeng, Li Yanbin, Lu Zhiyi, Li Yue Gai, Li Zonghuang and so on."  All military, political, armed, propaganda, lobbying, and liaison activities before and after the uprising were based on the division of responsibilities and cooperation between internal and external people, which was the effect of gathering clouds, dragons, phoenibles, tigers and talents to achieve success." On December 20, 1915, CAI E arrived in Kunming. Tang Jiyao and CAI E, Ren Kecheng repeatedly discussed the anti-Yuan plan, decided to first Tang Jiyao, Ren Kecheng in the name of Yuan Shikai, to cancel the imperial system; If there is no satisfactory answer, force will be used. On the evening of the 22nd, Tang Jiyao, CAI E and other called his subordinates to swear an oath, saying that they would support the Republic, "rise the rebellion, and swear to destroy the national thieves." On the evening of the 23rd, Tang Jiyao and Ren Kecheng sent an anti-imperial telegram, asking Yuan Shikai to punish the imperial ringleader. On December 25, Tang Jiyao, CAI E and Li Lijun launched a vigorous campaign to protect the country. Tang Jiyao and others officially declared the independence of Yunnan and took the lead in firing the first shot to defend the country and fight for Yuan in the southwest border region. After the defense War, he was appointed governor of Yunnan Province. In the fifth year of the Republic of China (1916), the Military Bureau of the Central organ of the National Guard was established to act as the power of The State Council in Beijing, with Tang Jiyao as the chief of the military and Cen Chunxuan as the deputy chief of the military.

唐继尧纪念币铸造于护国运动的首发地——云南,是波澜壮阔的讨袁护国运动的历史见证物。1915年12月,蔡锷与云南都督唐继尧及李烈钧、方声涛等反对袁世凯称帝,拥护共和政体,组织护国军讨伐袁世凯。1916年3月22日,袁世凯在内外交困中宣布取消帝制,护国运动取得胜利。为了纪念护国运动,云南省铸造发行了有护国元勋唐继尧头像图案的纪念币。唐继尧是一个比较理想主义的政治人物。在他留学日本期间,唐继尧的理想是“不速使中国富强,凌驾欧美,俯视列强,枉为二十世纪之中华男儿,生何如死!”他在民国二年(1913年)执掌云南军政后不断推出新政。在政治上积极地裁兵撤督,制定了省宪护法运动中,唐继尧拥护孙中山早年在欧洲提出的政治理想,认为中国幅员太大,各地情况千差万别,不能也不应该建成中央集权的国家,应当借鉴北美的模式,建立联邦式的共和国。民国七年(1918年)时唐继尧曾搞过“联省自治”,担任八省联军司令,有过建立联邦式共和国的尝试。唐继尧继承了蔡锷时期“汉、满、蒙、藏、夷 、苗各族,结合一体,维持共和”的思想,对少数民族土司采取“渐进主义”,推行以存土置流为目的“不改之改”政策,普遍确立了土流并治的统治形式。在少数民族地区设立弹压委员、行政委员 、殖边督办 、设治局等行政机构,并派参谋长庾恩为巡阅使,出巡普思沿边防务。唐继尧建立的兵工厂在护国、护法和靖国战争中派上了大用场。其扶持起的“昆明亚西亚烟草公司”为云南卷烟工业的发展奠定了基础,为云南的战时经济提供了资源,工业基础设施的建设为后来抗战期间大规模的企业内迁奠下了基础。唐继尧领导的护国运动,顺应了历史的潮流,阻止了一次历史的大倒退。 在唐继尧“教育救国”论的影响下,云南教育事业也有很大的发展。唐继尧著有《东陆大学缘起》《〈校训〉并序》,辑有《东大陆主人言志录》《会泽首义文牍》《会泽靖国文牍》等。

The commemorative coins of Tang Jiyao were cast in Yunnan, the first place of the national defense movement, which is a historical witness of the magnificent campaign to defend the country. In December 1915, CAI 'e, together with Yunnan Governor Tang Jiyao, Li Liejun, Fang Shengtao, etc., opposed Yuan Shikai's claim to be emperor, supported the republic, and organized the Defense Army to fight against Yuan Shikai. On March 22, 1916, Yuan Shikai announced the abolition of the imperial system in internal diplomatic difficulties, and the national defense movement won victory. In order to commemorate the national defense movement, Yunnan Province minted and issued commemorative coins with the head pattern of Tang Jiyao, the founding father of the national defense. Tang Jiyao was a relatively idealistic political figure. During his study in Japan, Tang Jiyao's ideal was "to make China rich and powerful, surpass Europe and the United States, look down on the great powers, and become the Chinese man of the 20th century, what is life like death?" In the second year of the Republic of China (1913), he took charge of the Yunnan military administration and introduced new policies. In the political field, the army was actively abolished, and the provincial constitution was formulated. During the movement, Tang Jiyao supported the political ideals put forward by Sun Yat-sen in Europe in his early years, arguing that China was too large and varied to be a centralized state, and that it should learn from the North American model and establish a federal republic. In the seventh year of the Republic of China (1918), Tang Jiyao had engaged in the "federation of provinces autonomy" and served as the commander of the eight-province coalition, and had an attempt to establish a federal republic. Tang Jiyao inherited the thought of "Han, Manchu, Mongolian, Tibetan, Yi and Miao ethnic groups, integrating as one, maintaining the republic" during CAI E's period, adopted "gradualism" towards the ethnic minority chiefdoms, carried out the policy of "reform without change" for the purpose of preserving land and retaining the flow, and generally established the form of the rule of the land flow. Administrative organs such as the Ammunition and Pressure Committee, the Administrative Committee, the colonial border Supervision Office, and the establishment of the administration Bureau were set up in the ethnic minority areas, and the Chief of staff Yu En was sent as a patrol envoy to patrol the Pusi border defense. The Arsenal established by Tang Jiyao was of great use in the defense of the country, the defense of the law and the Yasukuni War. The "Kunming Asia Tobacco Company" supported by it laid the foundation for the development of Yunnan's cigarette industry and provided resources for Yunnan's wartime economy, and the construction of industrial infrastructure laid the foundation for large-scale internal relocation of enterprises during the Anti-Japanese War. The national defense movement led by Tang Jiyao followed the historical trend and prevented a great historical retrogression. Under the influence of Tang Jiyao's theory of "Education saves the country", Yunnan's education has also made great progress. Tang Jiyao is the author of "Donglu University Origin", "School Motto" Preface, "the Master of the East Mainland", "Huize Capital Correspondence", "Huize Yasukuni Correspondence" and so on.


In China's modern period, there are many coins in the casting line, of which there is a more special series, is for portrait coins, that is, cast someone's portrait as the main design pattern on the coin, such coins were mostly cast in the Republic of China, because of the political instability at that time in our country, warlords around the country in order to improve their dominance there are all kinds of portrait coins. In the early years of the Republic of China, such as Yuan Shikai, Xu Shichang, Cao Kun, Duan Qirui, Zhang Zuolin, Li Yuanhong, etc., have successively cast gold and silver commemorative coins and various commemorative MEDALS to highlight their achievements. Local warlords were also not to be outdone, such as Chu Yupu, military superintendent of Zhili, Lu Rongting and Tan Haoming in Guangxi, Ni Sichong in Anhui, Tang Jiyao in Yunnan, etc., successively cast their portraits into commemorative MEDALS or coins. Tang Jiyao, because of his support for the republic, the defense of the country, when he was governor of Yunnan Province, he liked to cast his head on coins, or badges, in order to highlight his own achievements, for his own monument, fame, Yunnan Tang Jiyao fifty bronze coins is one of the versions. So the historical significance behind this coin is very great.


This coin is precious in material, superb in craft, exquisite in pattern, rich in content, elegant in text, beautiful in decoration, silver in luster, its appearance is pleasing, and its artistic appreciation is extremely high, which is actually a fine ancient money that can not be sought. Although the collection has experienced infinite years, the lines are still clearly visible, and the above envelope has also witnessed the accumulation of its history, with a very obvious historical transitional characteristics and an indescribable collection value. The coins are well preserved, the clarity of money and outline is good, and they have high historical value, artistic value and collection value. With the decrease of the Tang Jiyao commemorative value and the increase of the market collection, the value of this Tang Jiyao commemorative coin will be higher and higher.


Please contact Sichuan Zungu Auction Group Co., Ltd. for information related to the above collectibles. 


